Break the silence – Say No to violence – Australia Donna Seminar 22nd August 2023

Break the silence – Say No to violence
22nd August 2023 at the SA Campbelltown City Council

This was the third seminar of the year as part of a project of the Australia Donna Association to raise awareness among women of Italian origin on the physical and emotional impact of domestic and family violence; on the cost of remaining silent and how to access information and support.

The seminar opened with a presentation by Ruth Steer, who outlined the free medical and counselling services provided by Cedar Health Service that addresses the health impact of domestic and family violence.

Ada Scalzi, former Brevet Sargent at SAPOL, addressed the physical and emotional experiences faced by women victims of violence who decide to continue to stay in their homes as well as the legal and financial challenges encountered by women who decide to leave.

Participants valued the opportunity to discuss further these aspects with workers from the Women’s Safety Services.

Rinaldo Minniti, psychologist from the SA Drug and Alcohol Services, addressed the psychological effects of prolonged abuse and violence from the victims and perpetrators perspectives.

Ella Lo Presti guided us through meditative reflections on the challenging themes addressed at the seminar.

At the end of the seminar, we all eagerly joined in an uplifting dance movement exercise.

We are indebted to the Campbelltown City Council and to all speakers for their generous support. The dedicated committee of Australia Donna shined once again.